Evolve Aesthetic Surgery is always improving the accessibility on our website. We may have a few recommendations to help navigate our website to your particular needs.
The US Social Security Administration offers some guidance if you have trouble viewing any web pages. You can optimize your browser and computer in the following ways to improve your website experience with Evolve Aesthetic Surgery
1) You can use your keyboard to navigate screens
2) You can use your computer to read any website pages out loud
3) Your screen can be magnified
4) (Windows only) One can make your mouse pointer more visible
5) You can increase font sizes for easier reading
6) There is capability to change the background and text colors
There’s a speech recognition software called Dragon Naturally Speaking that can be useful when you are maneuvering through Evolve Aesthetic Surgery’s website. This particular software has the capability of allowing a user to move focus around a webpage. Dragon also allows an application screen through voice command.
If one is hard of hearing or deaf, there are different features available so you are able to view our website more easily.
First, your cell phone, computer or tablet has some features to control volume. Each video watched has its own volume controls built in as well. You can try to adjust controls on both outlets so you have the best listening experience.
The other feature is closed captioning. This provides the exact verbiage as text below the video, which is synchronized with the viewing videos. One who is deaf or hard of hearing can benefit from this, as they are able to follow along with ease. You can learn how to turn captioning on and off on Youtube.
If the above recommendations do not satisfy your needs, please do not hesitate to call Evolve Aesthetic surgery for assistance. Our direct number is 619 299 7467. Thank you!